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Genealogy and the Global Economic Recession

The world entered a global recession at the end of 2008. All of the major developed economies of the world now have negative growth. This is the first global recession since World War II and some observers think this is the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. How will genealogy be affected by slower economic growth? What areas of genealogy will fall victim to the global recession? Where will the economic impact on genealogy be felt the most? Will any areas of genealogy benefit from the recession?

To help answer these questions and more, GenealogyInTime Magazine has prepared a series of articles on genealogy and the global economic recession. Click on the links below to access the full articles. New articles will continue to be added on a periodic basis.

Are Newspapers Dying? - One of the unfortunate aspects of the global economic downturn is that newspapers are folding at an increasing rate. Advertising revenue is down significantly and newspapers are being forced to take significant steps to align their costs with the new economic reality. Is this a concern given the traditional role that newspapers have served as a chronicler of the life and times of our ancestors?...[Are Newspapers Dying?]

Waterford Wedgwood Emerges from Bankruptcy - Waterford Wedgwood, the celebrated crystal and ceramic tableware maker, has emerged from bankruptcy with a new lease on life and a radically different approach to business...[Waterford Wedgewood Emerges from Bankruptcy]

Cemetery Theft on the Decline - Grave robbers have been a constant curse of burial grounds for centuries. As attested by warnings against grave robbers on the walls of ancient Egyptian pyramids, stealing from the dead is a practice as old as civilization itself...[Cemetery Theft on the Decline]

Waterford Wedgwood Goes Bankrupt - Many genealogists are familiar with Waterford Wedgwood, the maker of fine crystal and luxury ceramics...[Waterford Wedgewood Goes Bankrupt]

From Doubledecker Buses to Doubledecker Graves - Graveyards are an important resource for genealogists who are searching for their ancestors...[From Doubledecker Buses to Doubledecker Graves]

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