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Top Ten Genealogy News Stories and Genealogy Themes of 2009

We have searched through the Genealogy In Time™ News Archive to highlight what we consider to be the Top Ten Genealogy News Stories and Genealogy Themes of 2009. This is the second year we have presented our top ten genealogy list. Last year, genetic testing dominated the list. Our 2009 top ten genealogy list is more diverse. The main genealogy theme for 2009 was the privacy (or lack thereof) of online personal genealogy information. Genetic testing was also an ongoing thread in several of our top news stories for the year.

Below is Genealogy In Time™’s top ten genealogy picks for 2009 presented in reverse order.

10. Long Life Does Run in Families – Anyone who has spent any time building family trees quickly realize that some families have clusters of people who tend to live to a very old age. Although this anecdotal evidence can be somewhat self-evident, no one has ever been able to genetically prove the basis for this fact until now. You can read all about it in the article Long Life Runs in Families, which provides a tantalizing clue as to how you can genetically check for long life in your family.

9. Who Owns Your Online Genealogy Information – Many people provide a considerable amount of personal genealogy information about themselves and other family members to online websites without due consideration towards privacy. Individual information about one person by itself is not very valuable. However, individual information on thousands of individuals in aggregate can be very valuable. With the economic downturn, some internet sites that collected personal genealogy information (such as family tree sites, DNA ancestry testing sites, social networking sites, etc.) are now going bankrupt. The news article Who Owns Your Online Genealogy Information discusses some of these issues.

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8. DNA Confirms Final Remains of Russian Royal Family – Advances in genetic DNA testing have helped solve some long outstanding mysteries. As described in the article DNA Confirms Remains of Russian Royal Family, DNA testing has helped resolve the final fate of Czar Nicholas II and the Russian Royal Family, who were sadly executed in 1918.

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