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51. Original Documents – Always check the original document. Transcription errors occur all the time when old records are digitized. For example, in order to keep costs down one major firm (Ancestry.com) does most of their transcription work in China. English is not the first language of these transcribers. Reading old handwritten text is a difficult task even for native English speakers. Therefore, expect some errors. Always check the original document. We cannot say this enough times.

shelves of books
Always go to the source document if possible.

52. Network – The internet provides many opportunities to network with other genealogists. Consider joining a family association or group that specializes in your family name. The internet is not just a great place to find online ancestral records; it is also a wonderful place to hook up with other people who are also interested in researching their ancestors.

Finally, if you are looking for inspiration to break through your genealogy brickwall, consider our Genealogy Brickwall Wallpaper. These are free high-resolution images that you can use as background images on your computer monitor.

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