Free genealogy records do exist on the internet. They are just scattered across many hard-to-find websites. The powerful Genealogy Search Engine helps bring them all together in one convenient location. Combined with our other search engine (the Family Tree Search Engine), a total of 6.5 billion records can now be searched for free.

Use the Genealogy Search Engine to search 2.7 billion free ancestral records.
Use the Family Tree Search Engine to search 3.8 billion records found in online family trees and genealogy forums. This is a good way to see if anyone else has researched your family.
Use the free Genealogy Toolbar to get convenient one-step access to the Genealogy Search Engine.
Read A Guide to Performing Online Genealogy Searches to learn how to get started on your genealogy search.
Learn more about GenealogyInTime Magazine and our mission to bring free genealogy records to everyone.
Technical Note:
If you want to search only the Google Newspaper Archive using the Genealogy Search Engine, you need to use the site command. For example, if you wanted to search for John Smith in the newspaper archive, you would enter the following into the search engine:
“john smith” site:
Similarly, if you wanted to search only Trove, you would enter the following:
“john smith” site:
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