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Genealogy Applications

There are a couple of decent genealogy applications already available for the iPad and more are coming all the time. The most compelling iPad genealogy applications tend to be Mac software programs that have an iPad application that serves as a mobile input device. If you want to go this route, it is worth knowing that many people who are touch typists (like us) find it slow and annoying to type on a screen rather than using a dedicated tactile keyboard. If you have ever entered information on a touch-screen computer at a bank or airport kiosk then you are familiar with the experience. You can buy a separate keyboard for the iPad, but then having to carrying around an additional accessory makes the iPad even less mobile.

One of the most popular genealogy applications for the Apple iPad is not an app per se but our very own Genealogy Search Engine. It allows you to search billions of historic records across hundreds of databases on the internet. It seems to be very a very popular pastine for people to sit in a cafe using their iPad and do free searches for their ancestors. Also popular for iPad background images with a genealogy theme are our high resolution Genealogy Images, which can be downloaded for free.

Bottom Line

The iPad is expensive. It is also an amazing device that will change the way we read. It is the first device that successfully bridges between a netbook and an ebook reader and it does both very well.

• Consider investing instead in a netbook or small laptop if you need a portable device for typing emails or data input, which is the case for most genealogy software.

• All applications for the iPad must be purchased through the online Apple store. It is not an open platform. Some PC users do not like this.

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